Industry Experience

I’ve been working in the industry since 2010. This is a chronological summary of my experiences.

    1. Sr. Frontend Developer

      I joined Codista in 2023, when I was made aware of an opening during a CSS meetup. I've had been looking for a smaller team in which I could focus on more on development for the time being - and I feel lucky to have found the right place for that time.

      Working in a small team has different challenges that I feel much better suited to handle. In a team that is entirely composed of experts in their field, I feel privileged to count myself among them, having the rare opportunity to focus on delivering the best work that I can, relying on all my various skills.

    1. Technology Evangelist

      In this change of my role at Lean Coders, I was asked to take on a more public facing role and engage in more activities, that would result in the continuous education of our team and the growing adoption of methodologies, processes and values that I have been advocating for.

      • Organised and facilitated an internal event focussed just on CMS
      • Coordinated and facilitated an internal Brown-Bag-Session programme
      • Moderated and facilitated a research process, that would eventually help the company confidently choose a preferred CMS
    2. Sr. UI Engineer & Product Designer

      I joined the Lean-Coders team in January of 2022 as a Senior Designer & Engineer, occupying a generalist position. As a designer, I support the UI/UX Team with visual Design, Design-System work as well as general tasks and some Design Engineering tasks. As a developer, I support on the frontend on React (Next-js, Remix) or Svelte projects as well as general frontend-development and general UI Engineering tasks.

      • tennant-theming for an existing component library
      • Introduced Design Tokens
      • Upgraded Figma Libraries for Design System work
      • Audited and fixed #a11y issues on a client site
    3. Counselling Sciences & Management of Social Systems

    1. Sr. Frontend Dev. & UI/UX Designer

      Working with the people at easyname was pivotal for me. I entered the company at a time where neither frontend development, nor design was considered an integral part. I was brought in also with the intention to improve on this.

      I had the great privilege of joining a diverse team handpicked by Stephanie Anderson. The team kept growing and kept being expanded by extraordinary individuals.

      • Created VPS Product Landingage
      • Engineered the UX of new Products & Features
      • Refactored ~90% of the CSS
      • Redesigned & Refactored the Domaincheck UI/UX
      • Designed new Product / Feature UI/UX
      • Created a Color System
      • Removed Bootstrap
      • Created a Styleguide
      • Unified & Evolved the visual Brand
    2. "Meditation & Mindfulness Teaching" Certification

    3. Freelance Lecturer HTML/CSS

      I consider myself very fortunate for being able to teach people at SAE Vienna. Teaching their meant introducing people to the very first concepts of making websites. I was able to structure my course and even finetune it to a given groups specific needs. I maintained a slack channel for students and provided them with an online skriptum. Teaching people did turn out to be one of the most rewarding things I had ever done to this point.

    1. Junior Web Developer

      I consider my time at ip-systems to be my very first job, in spirit. They are a full-service agency, which for every day work meant communicating with clients, as well as conceptualising, planning and actually developing website projects. From updating existing legacy systems with new content or planning new website projects from scratch to finish, with small or medium-sized companies as clients.

      My desk neighbour, Daniel Mikesch (@alayron) turned out to not only be a great person to work with but also in a way a mentor, introducing me to jquery, constantly answering my questions and in general be very supportive of someone enterying the industry.

      • Created 13 different Websites for Clients
    2. "Webdesigner" Certification

    3. Moved to Vienna

    1. Apprenticeship Media designer

    2. Basic Education & Civil Service

Some Icons are from the Noun Project:
Flag - created by Ian Zune
Learn - created by Icon Island
Magic - created by Shmidt Sergey